Orchestra Model
The Orchestra Model or OM is the quintessential steel string guitar. The OM was invented by Martin Guitars in the 1920s as their first 14-fret guitar, and was designed from the outset to be used with steel strings. Popular with singer-guitarists, it has been a go-to body shape particularly since its renaissance in the 1970s and 80s. Here at Lindsay Guitars we offer a modern OM that has incredible balance of tone. These guitars "sustain for days", and have a clear and beautiful voice. We brace our Orchestra Model to have enough movement in the top and back to achieve great response and projection that is typically found on larger body acoustic guitars.

"Small body,
big voice"
The Orchestra Model is slimmer and narrower than a jumbo guitar, providing a comfortable feel while having a bit more mid and bass presence than a Parlor or L-O body shape. It's a great choice for any player wanting a do-it-all instrument with excellent balance, volume, and response.
The Lindsay Guitars OM is available with the following upgrades:
- Side sound port -
- Arm, rib or cutaway bevel-
- French Polish -
- Venetian or Florentine cutaway -
- Multiple finger board widths -